23 - 25 February, 2026
Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
The Space Digital Programme Unit of Airbus fit the growing request for information Superiority, combining Earth Observation, Secure Connectivity Solutions.
We operate the largest constellation of optical and radar Earth observation satellites commercially available today, with unprecedented accuracy. Derived from our unrivalled data, we process a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality elevation models, global reference layers and grids to provide our customers and partners with information that perfectly matches their needs.
We’re also a world leader in satellite communications and ground infrastructure networks. As Secure Connectivity, we provide governments, militaries and International Agencies with mission-critical voice and high-speed data communications on land, at sea and in the air. We are a key provider of secure communications services, bringing together the most comprehensive satellite communications bandwidth and the best-in-class capabilities for network services and solutions.
As part of Airbus, we benefit from the power of a global leader in aerospace. This guarantees financial stability, intellectual capital and instills confidence in our commitment to being your long-term partner, delivering sustainable geospatial imagery products and services with trust.