23 - 25 February, 2026
Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
GAF AG, an e-GEOS (Telespazio/ASI) company, is one of Europe's leading providers of geospatial data and information services for customers in the defence, intelligence and security sectors. GAF operates worldwide and has comprehensive expertise in applied remote sensing and multi-source satellite data distribution, built up since the company was founded in 1985. The brand new GAFportal provides standardised and automated access to satellite data from all major data providers is an easy-to-use way. The highly experienced and professional GAF user support team is of course available 24/7/365 if required. In addition, GAF offers a tailored and fit-for-purpose portfolio of high-quality 2D and 3D products (e.g. GAF Elevation Suite, Ground Motion Service). Our customised software solutions for archiving, production, distribution and visualisation of geodata, as well as our thematic map products, always fulfil the relevant quality requirements.
To learn more about GAF AG, visit GAF AG – Innovation based on experience!