23 - 25 February, 2026
Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos is a government satellite services operator to act in the areas of defence, security, intelligence and foreign affairs. Since 2005, Hisdesat has provided secure satellite communications, satellite Earth observation and satellite maritime traffic information (AIS) services to government agencies in different countries.
Hisdesat is the owner and operator of the PAZ satellite, with a very high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which has been providing since 2018 accurate information for multiple applications from its polar orbit around Earth. PAZ has capacity to take more than 100 daily images of up to 25 centimetres of resolution, both day and night, and regardless of weather conditions, covering an area of more than 300,000 square kilometres per day. Hisdesat will put into orbit during 2025 the two satellites of the SPAINSAT NG programme, the most advanced secure communications satellites in Europe and one of the most innovative in the world.