10 - 12 February, 2025
Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London
Established in 1997, ISI is a global leader in space-based geospatial intelligence solutions & services. ISI offers its customers a wide portfolio of systems & services, consisting of three main business lines: Satellite Services - ISI provides Geospatial Intelligence solutions and services based on the EROS-NG™ (Next Generation) earth observation satellite constellation. The EROS constellation is a VVHR (Very-Very High Resolution) multi-sensor constellation, operating in both polar and mid-inclination orbits, and providing unprecedented revisit rates and diverse imaging times. Satellite Infrastructure - ISI developed a proprietary design of highly capable new-space platforms, Runner™ and Knight™, the cornerstone of its revolutionary High-Revisit, High-Resolution satellite constellation: Global-Eye. The Global-Eye constellation is serving ISI's existing customer base and continues to grow with additional partners and users. The Runner™ and the Knight™ satellites were recently selected as the national space assets of a leading country in South America, where ISI is rebuilding the entire national geospatial eco-system. Since its foundation, ISI has deployed over 30 satellite ground control stations across the globe, thereby gaining unmatched expertise in the domain of earth observation satellite ground segments and becoming the provider of next generation Satellite Ground Segment for a tier-1 MOD with its MMMS (Multi-Mission, Multi-Satellite) platform, the Clearsky™. Downstream Applications and Analytics - ISI provides a variety of services & applications to effectively handle and analyze the vast amount of data collected by its satellites. The portfolio varies from IaaS (Intelligence-as-a-Service) performed by ISI's team of expert analysts to completely automated AI-powered analytics, based on ISI's in-house developed algorithms. These algorithms are empowering ISI's solutions in the field of computer vision (for detection & classification of objects) and advance behavioural analytics, including patterns-of-life analysis and target behaviour prediction. ISI is a service-oriented and project-oriented company. ISI develops long-standing relationship with its customers, who often become early adopters of any new satellite launched or service offered. The company's expertise is to tailor each project to the customer's specific needs and requirements, based on our experience in creating these long-standing relationships. ISI supports its customers every step of the way, providing numerous basic and advanced training courses, as well as on-job-training for the earth observation ecosystem professionals. We welcome you to join the revolution in space-based intelligence and services – provide us with a use-case and we will show you what can be achieved!