Vricon’s mission is to build the Globe in 3D—a revolution in GEOINT tradecraft—that offers decision makers the entire world in highly accurate, immersive 3D. Our 3D analytics and data models depict the world the way it really is; our process uses commercial satellite imagery and big data analytics to create high-resolution, accurate 3D models without ground control points.
Vricon will demonstrate how its Globe in 3D—the world's highest resolution 3D map of the world—and its Precision 3D Registration (P3DR) software provide unparalleled global, precise accuracy improvement. We’ll also share our 3D Vector product with 50 centimeters resolution and 3-meter accuracy. Our accuracy is as good in Pyongyang as it is in London.
For further information, visit vricon.com. Follow @TheGlobeIn3D on Twitter and Instagram and check out Vricon on LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. Need more? Contact Manne Anliot at +46-73-4183655.